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Retaining Wall Reinforcement: Other Options   View Complete Commerical Retaining Wall Manual

Masonry Reinforcement

Typical Retaining Wall Section

Typical Retaining Wall Section

Allan Block retaining walls can be reinforced with the same proven techniques used for conventional masonry walls. Allan Block masonry walls are useful on sites where geogrids are not feasible or cost effective because they rely on a reinforced footing and vertical pilasters to counteract lateral earth pressures.

These walls combine the mortarless stability of an Allan Block wall with the tensile strength of the steel rods in pilasters and the stability of the footing. The design and construction of these masonry walls meet all building code requirements, while factoring in the benefit of an inclined Allan Block retaining wall.

The specific design requirements depend on site and soil conditions, and wall heights.

Reference: ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete

Other System Options

Earth Anchor

Earth Anchor

Soil Nailing

Soil Nailing

In addition to basic masonry wall systems, Allan Block can accommodate other special reinforcement systems such as:

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No-Fines Concrete

No-Fines Concrete (NFC Backfill)

When considering special applications, unusual job sites, or unique reinforcement requirements, contact the Allan Block Corporation for engineering and design support. The Allan Block Engineering Department provides assistance to engineering and design professionals worldwide.